Happy father’s day, mother’s day, AIDS day, Independence Day, cat’s day, dog’s day pheewww!!! And whatever’s day, well! Where is my day? Dude!
Who am I? A human being working like machine, from day to night, from college to office and from kitchen to toilet, I am every where. Then where is my day?
Well! I think this is my day and it starts like this... 7:00am My dad pulled me out of the bed like Hitler pulled out the Jews from Germany. He must be a real fan, hey! Not mine, but Hitler’s! He roared like an angry lion,”Oye kutey! Otth ja!” --- my dog sleeping nearby got up at this and start barking at me like it was trying to tell me that only because of me all the dogs were getting a bad name. My dad patted the dog and fed it fresh milk and boiled meat. That little monster was enjoying its meal and I was rushing to the bathroom because I was already late for my morning class. Oh! What a start of my day!
By 8:30am I was on my way to college. *^&%# I forgot to fill my bike’s oil tank. Great! So then I had to drag my bike to the nearest filling station which is only three miles away. 9:30am At last I entered my class. I was already one hour late. However, I was happy that today I would get my morning class because all my classmates were there. I went to my favorite seat in the last row which was unusually empty. I was starting to believe that this was genuinely going to be my day, because I got my favorite seat. But suddenly everybody started getting up. I asked a friend, “What about class?” He told me the class had been finished fifteen minutes ago. Damn! It’s true that happiness is skin deep. Don’t think I’m using bad language. That’s what I said to my grammar teacher but she deducted my marks. People don’t want to understand me. People will show sympathy for a poor dog starving in the streets, but nobody’s bothered about me. Just because I’m tall, classy and handsome, what do they know what’s under the surface. Actually there’s more handsomeness there and intellectual stuff also, as you will appreciate this article shows. But the point is that nobody realises this and that’s why I insist that I should have my day as well. Even the great writer Patrus wrote about dogs, and he showed great appreciation for a dog howling at night, doing its best to sing like an opera singer. Nobody writes about my singing. Ha! They don’t know what they’re missing.
Anyway, back to my unilaterally declared ‘my day’. After a long day at college, at 4:00pm I reached my office, where I work as an intern in a magazine. My editor sent me to a dog show for media coverage. Great! I was starting to believe that today is a dogs day after all, because in college my grammar teacher taught me a new proverb, ‘every dog has his day’ but according to my creative instincts I tried to convince her that ‘every human being has his day’ is a better proverb. At the dog show I started realising that dogs really are lucky. Then I saw a big bad black horrible looking dog with a beautiful angel like girl. She was petting that dog with her beautiful white hands and pink fingers which were glowing like rubies in that dog’s black hair. I thought she must have a kind heart, unfortunately only for dogs. I went to her and humbly asked, “Madam! Is this black ugly dog yours?”
She replied angrily, which I wasn’t expecting, “This dog is better than you because this dog is my best friend and I love him.” See what I mean. In this modern age man is losing value. Well! Cursing my fate I moved on. 10:00pm finally I reached home; you know what I had found, yes! My dog looked at me as though he was wanting to say, “Well, dude, my day was fun and relaxing, how was yours?” Then I just looked at him and uttered this line, “It’s true my friend that every dog has his day, but only dog’s have their day, not man, thanks to this so called 21st century in which man is losing his value.”